Widefield High School Cross Country

Canon City River Walk I

Directions | Top Runs | Meets


Take Hwy. 50 to Canon City. Go to 9th Street and turn left. After crossing the river, turn left into parking area.

Top Runs at Canon City River Walk I

Meets at Canon City River Walk I

Team Finish Top Finish Pack time
Meet Date Female Male Female Male Female Male
Canon City Invitational (2011) September 6th, 2011 3rd 4th 10th 7th 5:31 3:56
Canon City Invitational (2010) September 7th, 2010 4th 2nd 10th 5th 3:34 4:24
Canon City Invitational (2008) September 2nd, 2008 6th 2nd 22nd 9th 7:37 2:42
Canon City Invitational (2007) September 4th, 2007 5th 6th 13th 2nd 3:38 4:53
Canon City Invitational (2006) September 5th, 2006 5th 7th 19th 4th 3:05 5:49
Canon City Invitational (2005) September 9th, 2005 68th 68th 3:23 4:03
Canon City Invitational (2004) September 7th, 2004 0:08 2:21