Widefield High School Cross Country

Regionals – October 22nd, 2004

Location: Pueblo City Park Golf Course

Girls Varsity

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Julie Walters 7:12 8:25 8:32 (9:28) 25:05 47/70 20 PR 1st Course
Arielle Pfeiffer 7:34 8:55 8:58 (9:56) 26:25 58/70 25 PR 2nd Course
Sara Simpson 8:33 10:38 10:04 (11:09) 30:20 70/70 25 PR 4th Course

Number of teams competing: 11

Boys Varsity

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Pat Williams 5:35 6:21 6:15 (6:56) 18:52 22/74 35 PR 1st Course
Brandon Ortega 5:50 6:43 6:52 (7:37) 20:10 51/74 25 PR 5th Course
Nick Kenyon 5:57 6:33 6:42 (7:26) 19:56 45/74 25 PR 3rd Course
Frankie Medina 5:57 6:41 6:49 (7:34) 20:12 52/74 25 PR 6th Course
Ian Bruner 6:08 6:52 6:58 (7:43) 20:43 59/74 20 PR 9th Course
Theron Grant 6:26 7:27 7:35 (8:25) 22:18 69/74 15
Josh Bueno 6:39 7:58 8:03 (8:55) 23:32 73/74 25 PR

Number of teams competing: 13

Team highlights

-This was the most fun the coaches had all year. It was amazing to watch everyone perform so well and really put it on the line when it counted.
-As a team we ran 9 personal records and 8 personal course records.
-Julie set the mark for best girl’s time of the season and Pat set the mark for best boy’s time of the season.
-Nick became the 3rd guy under 20:00 this year and finished 2nd on the team for the first race in which we ran a full team.
-The 2nd thru 5th guys were separated by only 47 seconds!
-Pat finished in the top 30% for the second time this year.
-Julie and Arielle both ran their third mile about the same as their second; Sara ran her 3rd mile faster than her second.
-Pat ran his 3rd mile faster than his second; all of the guys ran their 3rd mile about the same or better than their 2nd.