Widefield High School Cross Country

Trinity McDonald – Class of 2019

Organize by: Year or Course


Meet Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter points
Canon City Invitational 31:31 100/105 5
JV Championships 29:46 5
Florence Husky Invitational 9:45 10:24 10:04 (11:10) 31:19 127/130 75 PCR
Pueblo Central Invitational 9:50 10:26 10:13 (11:20) 31:36 72/78 5
CSML Championships 9:53 10:28 9:39 (10:42) 31:03 5
Rock Canyon XC Invitational 9:33 10:42 10:35 (11:44) 31:59 337/360 5
Rampart Foxes and Hounds 9:47 11:56 11:09 (12:21) 34:04 0
Widefield Cross Country Invitational 10:05 11:57 12:43 (14:06) 36:08 86/95 5

Letter points for this season*: 105


Meet Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter points
Canon City Invite 8:21 (9:15) 30:13 10 PR
Windjammer Invitational 9:13 9:46 9:35 (10:37) 29:36 175/221 10 PR
Fountain Fort Carson 9:09 10:02 10:31 (11:39) 30:50 15
El Paso County Open Championship 9:08 10:04 8:51 (9:49) 29:01 10 PR
Sabercat Invitational 9:13 10:08 10:18 (11:25) 30:46 173/181 5
Pueblo Central Invitational 9:09 10:19 9:46 (10:50) 30:18 134/154 10 PR
CSML League Meet 9:19 10:31 9:55 (10:59) 30:49 57/97 15 PCR
Widefield Cross Country Invitational 9:45 10:40 10:55 (12:06) 32:31 27/38 5
Florence Husky Invitational 10:14 12:30 12:24 (13:44) 36:28 97/110 25

Letter points for this season*: 105

*Letter points listed here are only for points earned in meets