Widefield High School Cross Country

Florence Husky Invitational – September 11th, 2007

Location: Canon City River Walk II

Girls Varsity - 6th place

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Kimberly Powers 7:54 7:59 7:57 (8:49) 24:42 38/89 18 8th Course
Grace Norris 7:54 7:59 8:12 (9:06) 24:59 42/89 18 10th Course
Sina Good 7:54 8:04 8:19 (9:13) 25:11 43/89 18
Nadya Rojas 8:30 8:05 7:48 (8:39) 25:14 45/89 25 PR
Jessica Shoop 8:00 8:08 8:13 (9:07) 25:15 46/89 25 PR
Brittni Woods 8:45 9:44 9:35 (10:37) 29:06 77/89 25 PCR
Tori Cunningham 6:50 7:20 7:51 (8:42) 22:52 19/89 30 PR 2nd Course

Number of teams competing: 12

Boys Varsity - 5th place

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Jack Sexton 6:34 7:09 7:00 (7:46) 21:29 66/99 15
Luke Wall 5:50 6:22 6:18 (6:59) 19:11 30/99 25 PR 7th Course
Nick Wilson 6:37 7:06 7:07 (7:54) 21:37 68/99 25 PR
David Powers 5:52 6:27 6:07 (6:47) 19:06 26/99 30 PR 6th Course
Paul Gallogly 6:15 6:08 6:15 (6:56) 19:19 35/99 30 PR 8th Course
Nick Kenyon 5:48 6:09 5:57 (6:36) 18:33 20/99 35 PCR 3rd Course
Thomas Powers 5:11 5:48 5:48 (6:26) 17:25 5/99 85 2nd Course

Number of teams competing: 14

Girls JV

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Sarah Brunner 34:30 9/10 5
Alicia Kahre 42:13 10/10 10 PR

Boys JV

Name Mile 1 Mile 2 Mile 3 Final time Place Letter pointsLetter Pts.
Daniel Mahoney 23:54 22/47 5
Michael Key 25:06 30/47 5
JC Carlson 22:20 17/47 8
Eddy Hellon 22:22 18/47 8
Josh Cooper 25:07 31/47 10 PR
Cameron Scurek 26:07 37/47 10 PR
Noah Schroeder 20:25 7/47 15
Eric Lewis 22:37 19/47 15 PCR
Deven Jones 20:53 8/47 20 PR
Sean Zimkas 20:09 4/47 25 PR

Team highlights

-The girls team finished 6th out of 12 teams.The boys team finished 5th out of 14 teams!

-As a team, we had 12 Personal Records, 3 Personal Course Records, and 5 Season Bests.Out of the 27 runners, 20 had one of these!

-The boys team had 5 varsity runners in the top 50% and 5 JV runners in the top 40%.The girls team had 4 varsity runners in the top 50% of their race!

-The 2nd thru 6th girls were separated by only 33 seconds!

-The 2nd thru 5th boys were separated by only 46 seconds.The 6th thru 8th boys were separated by only 44 seconds, and the 9th thru 13th boys were only separated by 68 seconds!

-Thomas' time put him at #4 on the All Time Top 10 List. David's time put him at #1 on the Freshman Top 10 list. Luke's time put him at #3.Paul's time tied him at #3 on the Sophomore list. Nick Kenyon's time put him at #4 on the Senior list.Grace's time put her at #5 on the Junior list. Tori's time tied her for 6th on the All Time list and put tied her for #1 on the Senior list!