Widefield High School Cross Country

Blog Archives for 2022

2022 Pre-season Info

Thursday, July 28th, 2022

Hey WHSXC! This message contains several pieces of information for the next couple of weeks, so please read it all.

First, tomorrow is our final run at Bear Creek. We would love to have record attendance as we finish the summer strong!

Second, our pre-season "camp" will be next week. For our camp we will meet at different locations around town to run. We have asked for help with rides, so anyone who needs or who can provide rides please meet at the Gladiator at 6:30am each day. The locations of our daily meeting spots will be:

Monday, August 1: Cheyenne Mountain State Park. Normally it costs $10 per vehicle to get in, but Monday is Colorado day so entry is free! Meet at the lower parking lot. This is also schedule pickup and photo day for all non-freshmen. Everyone will have plenty of time to shower and go back to WHS after running.

Tuesday, August 2: No team practice. Run on your own.

Wednesday, August 3: Meet at the east end of the parking lot of Kohl's off of Circle and Janitell Rd. to run in the El Pomar Sports Complex area.

Thursday, August 4: Monument Valley Park. Take the Uintah exit off of I25 and head east to Cascade. Turn left at Cascade and go to Fontanero. Turn left at Fontanero and follow to the parking area. We will meet at the bottom of the hill near the restrooms.

Friday, August 5: Fountain Regional Park Willow Springs Ponds. Enter the area via Willow Springs Rd just south of Mesa Ridge Parkway off of 85/87.

Saturday, August 6: Run for Rwanda for anyone wanting to run a final tune-up race and try to hit the Varsity Standard time before the season.

Finally, please be sure to have plans to have a physical and complete and turn in all required athletic paperwork before the season starts. No one can practice without this. Physicals will be offered at WHS on Saturday, August 6th at 10am.

The first day of practice will be Monday, August 8th. We will take advantage of cooler weather and avoid thunderstorms by practicing at 7am on Monday, August 8th and Tuesday, August 9th. After that we will meet at 3pm every weekday unless otherwise notified.

If anyone has any questions, please let us know!

Run for Rwanda: https://springsiac.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/1335350

WHS Athletic Paperwork: https://whs.wsd3.org/athletics/information-to-play-sports

WHSXC website: http://whsxc.com/

Alamosa Info

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

Below is some info for this Saturday's meet in Alamosa. Please read it all and be prepared!

-The meet is at Cattails Golf Course at 500 Cottonwood Dr., Alamosa, CO81101.

-The bus is leaving WHS at 5:45am Saturday morning. Be at the school by 5:30 so we can be loaded and ready to go. Anyone arriving after the bus is loaded and ready to leave will miss the bus.

-Race times: Boys 9:20, Girls 10:25. All boys will run in the same race as will all girls. Collegiate races happen during the gap between Varsity Boys and Girls. Boys awards will happen at 11:10 with girls awards following at 11:20.

-There is a lot of time between our departure and our races, so everyone needs to have a substantial snack to eat on the bus or as we get to Alamosa. Start hydrating now, but don't drink too much water before getting on the bus--we will only make one bathroom stop on the way.

-The team will provide pizza for lunch before we leave Alamosa. Anyone who does not like pizza or has dietary restrictions should bring a lunch.

-Assuming no changes in the race schedule, we expect to leave the race around 11:30, be on the road after lunch around 12:30, and return home in the neighborhood of 3-3:30pm.

-The weather in Alamosa is forecast to be drastically different on Saturday than it has been the last several days at home. It could be in the 40s when we get off the bus and should never get hotter than 70. Grass could be wet when we arrive. Bring extra socks, extra layers, and be prepared to stay warm if it is chilly. It could be great racing weather, but less than ideal standing-around-waiting-to-race weather.

Air Academy Info

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

On Saturday, September 17th we will be racing at the Kadet Invitational at Air Academy High School. Race times are as follows:

Boys Varsity: 9:00
Girls Varsity: 9:40
Boys JV: 10:20
Girls JV: 11:00

Below is info given to us from Air Academy High School regarding accessing the school which is located on the Air Force Academy grounds:

All visitors must enter through the South Gate (Exit #150) – Academy Blvd. Upon arrival to the security checkpoint the driver of the vehicle will state the name of the contest they are attending and provide them with a current driver’s license. They could also ask for your current vehicle registration and/or current proof of insurance. Everyone is subject to search when entering this federal installation. They may ask to open the trunk and/or perform a cursory check of the interior of the vehicle. You have the right to refuse such an inspection, however will not be allowed to enter. Drugs (to include medical marijuana), weapons, ammunition and explosives are not allowed at Air Academy events. Please know that we are very grateful to the USAFA for working with us on this issue. Please help us support their mission in keeping the USAFA a safe and secure military installation.

Parking for spectators is located in the large student lot located directly North of the high school. Lots of parking is available, but keep in mind that Air Academy High School is accessed by a single road and wait times are common. Plan on arriving early to avoid delays at the gate and on the Academy!